The pharmacy sector has been under enormous pressure since the COVID pandemic. The added footfall in your pharmacy and extra requirements may have led to reassessment of how your pharmacy works for you, your business, and your customers.
Maybe your dispensary is no longer functioning as efficiently as it should? A redesign of the retail area is needed? Or the addition of consultation rooms doubling up as vaccination spaces would be a welcome addition.
Whatever the issue, there is always a solution, and this can be rectified even during a pandemic. Black Circle will start by devising a brief, followed by a design and a plan of action. Meetings can be held at site, if safe to do so, and via Zoom too. Extra measures are put into place to allow for the safe working of all parties, and we continually strive to ensure these.
Once a plan of action has been agreed upon Covid Health and safety guidelines are followed to ensure that everyone is protected, and both your staff and customers feel completely safe within the pharmacy environment. At Black Circle, we can create temporary working areas for you and your staff whilst your pharmacy is completed. If this is not feasible we can relocate your pharmacy into our Mobile container pharmacy unit which is set next to or in very close proximity to your existing site-have a look at our Mobile pharmacy container here
Whatever the requirements, Black Circle are on hand to answer your queries and ensure that you are completely satisfied.
Why not contact us for a chat. 01792 817817